
Every Wednesdays.

Doors open at 5:30pm.

At the Crysler Community Center.

In order to play bingo, you need to purchase a lap card for $13.50 which includes 9 cards for 16 games. You can play additional cards for these regular games by purchasing a 6 card pack (6 up) for $8.00 or a 3 card pack (3 up) $4.25 these games play 1 line with a payout of $80 and 2 lines with a payout of $100

 there are other games you can purchase to play such as:

 the specials game pack for $3.00 each pack this pack plays 5 games with payouts that are a 50/50 split with a maximum of $100

Crysler Fundraiser game packs for $2.50 each with a payout of $200

Quickies game pack that plays 4 games right at the beginning of bingo for $3.00 a pack with a 50/50 split of the money made off the sales

 king and queen that you get 3 tickets for $1.50, we draw 2 numbers if you win the draw you pick a number, each time that number is called you have to ring a bell and you win 5 dollars

and you can buy extras for jackpot for $1.50 each. (There is a jackpot card in all lap cards packs including the 6 up and the 3 up the payout of the jackpot is $1000 with a progressive jackpot of up to $1500